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A Trusted Partner for Global Telecom & Media Companies

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Industry - Telecom
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It is not just your imagination; technological innovation really is accelerating at an unprecedented pace. This is particularly true in the telecom and media industries, with the rapid-fire adoption of new networking and computer technology.

Whether you're managing vast networks, rolling out new technologies, or ensuring uninterrupted service, our team of skilled IT professionals offer comprehensive solutions that enhance operational efficiency, secure your systems, and ensure compliance with industry standards. Discover how our specialized IT support services can empower your telecom business to stay competitive and excel in a dynamic market.

At Aditi, we understand the pressure to adapt. That's why we don't just offer solutions - we become your partner in the digital transformation race.



Telecom and media companies face numerous challenges when managing their physical and digital infrastructure due to the complexity and scale of their operations, such as:

  • Managing Technology Upgrades Such as the Transition from 4G to 5G
  • The Integration of New and Legacy Systems
  • Cybersecurity Threats
  • Ensuring the Accuracy, Consistency, Accessibility, and Reliability of Big Data
  • System and Network Performance and Reliability
  • Acquiring and Retaining First-Rate Talent
  • Maintenance and Repairs in Aging Infrastructure
  • Regulatory Compliance

Aditi will work with you to understand and address your unique challenges as you position yourself in the competitive landscape.

The Missing Piece: Your Dream Team

Think of your vision as a complex puzzle. You have the blueprint (your goals), but you lack the specialized pieces to bring it to life. Aditi assembles full-cycle teams with the specific skills you need. From AI and automation experts to cloud and infrastructure specialists, we can build a team tailored to your unique challenges.

We help you implement your most challenging projects, including:

From AI and automation experts to cloud and infrastructure specialists, we can build a team tailored to your unique challenges. We understand that technology is more than just a tool; it's a pivotal force driving business success.

Clients that trust us

Aditi has worked with over 50 manufacturing firms, including:

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Real-World Victories:
How We Empower Telecom & Media Operations

Real-World Victories:
How We Empower Manufacturers

Case Study 1:
Empowering Large-Scale Telecom Mergers

A major telecommunication company needed help to facilitate a high-profile merger with a prior rival, a huge, multifaceted process involving technology integration, network alignment, data consolidation, workflow alignment, and so on.

This included merging databases
containing billing data, customer
information, and other business-critical information. The company had to perform this data consolidation while ensuring data integrity, privacy, and institutional compliance with government regulations

stats_03 Aditi streamlined operations by reducing redundancies, inefficiencies and the potential for mistakes caused by manual intervention. 
Telecommunications CS2-3 The newly merged company realized substantial cost savings by eliminating duplicate processes, systems, licenses and infrastructure.

Case Study 2:
DPOM Application Development.

A major telecom and cable provider needed to design, develop, implement, and support a Digital Phone Order Management (DPOM) application as well as transition away from the legacy system. 

Aditi developed the DPOM application and transfer a large amount of customer data from the legacy system to the application.
stats_04 Aditi integrated the DPOM application with existing systems as necessary to share information like billing, customer relationship management (CRM), and system data.
stats_04 Aditi provided Tier I through Tier III support following the transition to maintain the application and ensure its consistent operation and connection with integrated systems.

The rise of nearshore & the impact on TELECOM

Download the report and see how the rise in Nearshoring in North America is affecting the Telecom Industry

Download Report

Why Choose Aditi?

We bring over 30 years of experience across diverse industries. Our client list boasts more than 75 Fortune 500 companies, a testament to our proven track record.

At Aditi, we don't offer cookie-cutter solutions. We create unique experiences that leverage borderless talent, cutting-edge technology, and—most importantly—your vision.

Don't get lost in the automation age.
Embrace the future with Aditi by your side.

Why Choose Aditi