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What is Generative AI?

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm, thanks to the popularity of tools like ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini. These remarkable applications are the latest innovations in the 50-year evolution of machine learning algorithms and are now accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

At its core, Generative AI uses machine learning (ML) models to produce new, original content. Unlike earlier AI systems designed primarily to recognize patterns and make predictions based on existing data, generative AI creates new data derived from the characteristics of its training data. This can include anything from written text and computer-generated speech to images and video. 

The most advanced generative AI models are incredibly complex, with billions of internal parameters shaping their outputs. For example, large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT have been trained on extensive datasets from the internet, allowing them to access a broad range of human knowledge and generate responses with remarkable depth and accuracy. 

How Does Generative AI Work? 

Neural networks, which serve as the foundation of Generative AI, are modeled loosely on the intricate, interconnected structure of the human brain. These networks contain layers of artificial neurons encoded in software that mimic biological neural pathways. This makes them highly effective at identifying and interpreting complex patterns in large datasets containing images, text, or other pretty much any other type of information. These computer algorithms can generate unique content that reflects the underlying characteristics of the input data, ranging from detailed visual art to coherent textual narratives. 

The fundamental unit of a neural network is the neuron, which is also known as a node or unit. The first layer of neurons receives some form of input (such as a text prompt or image), processes it, and passes the resulting output to the next layer of neurons. The initial layers typically identify simple patterns, such as edges in an image or basic word frequencies in text. As data passes through deeper layers, these simple patterns are combined into more complex representations, like shapes, objects, or contextual meaning in language. Image a simple, pixelated image becoming increasingly complex and detailed as it moves through the layers. The final output layer then reveals the result, such as novel text or imagery. 

A Generative AI neural network is trained on new material through a process called supervised learning, where the network is exposed to a large dataset of images (for example) paired with corresponding labels or features. During training, the images are fed into the network, and the network’s layers process and extract relevant features from the images. The network makes predictions about the content of the images, and these predictions are compared to the true labels to calculate an error, or loss. This loss is then used to adjust the weights of the connections between neurons through a method called backpropagation, which iteratively refines the network's ability to accurately interpret and generate images. It is these weights that determine the output of the network in a process that is directly analogous to how a biological nervous system processes information by modulating the strength of synaptic connections between neurons. 

Over time, through multiple iterations of this process, the network learns to generate new images that reflect the patterns and structures observed in the training data, allowing it to create novel, yet contextually relevant, visual content. An equivalent process is used to create text, video, programming, and other forms of content. 

Examples of Generative AI 

The potential use cases for generative AI are nearly unlimited. The buzz for new technology rarely matches the technology’s transformational capabilities, but Generative AI delivers across every major discipline: 

  • Computer Programming - Generative AI is revolutionizing the field of computer programming by assisting developers to create novel code and enhancing productivity. Utilizing advanced ML models, generative AI can analyze vast amounts of programming data to understand coding patterns and best practices. These AI systems can then generate code snippets, complete functions, and even develop entire applications based on high-level descriptions provided by programmers. Additionally, generative AI aids in debugging by identifying potential errors and suggesting fixes, thus streamlining the development process. 

  • Art and Design - AI-generated art is becoming increasingly difficult to discriminate from art created by humans as algorithms become increasingly sophisticated in their response to prompts. These AI systems can assist artists by providing new ideas or autonomously producing original pieces, including photorealistic images. Professional artists and photographers have reason to worry about this technological trend, especially those working in the field of stock imagery. It has become significantly easier and cheaper to use AI to produce generic stock imagery rather than digging through proprietary repositories to find appropriate content. 

  • Content Creation - Generative AI can produce human-like text output on just about any subject, making it useful for writing articles, emails, scripts, marketing copy, poems, and so on. Although it is well known to produce erroneous output at times (called hallucinations), the models are improving rapidly in this regard. You should still check all output though. 

  • Entertainment - In the gaming and film industries, generative AI can design game levels, create realistic characters, and even generate entire scenes, reducing the workload on human designers and animators. The use of generative AI to power non-playing characters (NPCs) has tremendous potential to increase the realism of interactions in video games. Video game developers have even performed a reverse Turing Test to see if a group of AI-driven video-game NPCs could tell which character in the virtual room was actually human. 

  • Healthcare and Pharma - Generative models can assist in drug discovery by generating new molecular structures, predicting their properties, and suggesting potential treatments. They can also create realistic medical images for research and training purposes. LLMs can improve engagement with health care record repositories and other large databases. The list of applications goes on and on. 

  • Fashion and Retail - AI can design clothing and accessories, personalize shopping experiences by generating product recommendations, and even create virtual models for trying on outfits. 

Aditi Empowers the AI revolution 

Generative AI is revolutionizing the way we create and interact with content, pushing the boundaries of what machines can achieve. As you can see, its ability to generate high-quality, original content has significant implications for industries such as entertainment, design, and marketing. However, it also raises important ethical considerations, including issues of ownership, authenticity, and the potential for misuse.  

At Aditi, we offer a wide array of services to implement novel machine learning solutions in your business. Our services include business and data analysis, software engineering, and Agile program management provided by our teams of skilled professionals. With our extensive experience and expertise with various data and analytics tools and technologies, Aditi can provide tailored solutions to align with your business objectives. Contact us today to discover how we can help you implement cutting-edge AI technology in your business.